Sunday, July 21, 2013

fathers tender kisses

(Source: her name is moon)

As I was on a boat back to Venice from a nearby island, I noticed a husband and wife with their two kids sitting near me. The husband either previously had an accident or developed a syndrome because he struggled to walk and could hardly maintain balance. His wife, while keeping an eye on the children, tenderly grasped his fragile arm helping him onto his seat. A few moments pass and I glance over to see them holding hands, smiling at each other. My heart melted at this moment. I cannot imagine their day to day challenges, but their love for each other and their family evidently makes them stronger. 

At the table next to theirs I noticed a middle-aged man holding close to his chest his sleeping two-year-old girl. She started to wake as we approached the dock and her father immediately embraced her and sprinkled her cheeks with sweet tender kisses. He rubbed his nose on her pink cheek and wiped the sweat from her damp forehead. I don't think I've ever seen a father express that much love to their little girl before. I couldn't help but notice his wedding ring was on his right ring finger.  What if he is a widower? What if when he looks at her he sees his wife? What if she is all he has in this world? 

What strong individuals! What examples they are!

This caused me to miss home and want to embrace and snuggle every single person I love. 

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