I have a real special relationship with my father- one that most do not quite understand. My father and I are a lot alike, its strange how much I am my fathers daughter. Since my parents had me at the young age of 19, it seemed as though I was growing up with them- experiencing and discovering the same wonders of life.
One thing I love most about my pop is that he can always tell when something is up, especially with me. Every time I am anxious and stubbornly denying that I am, he grabs my hands so see if my palms are sweaty. Many of my greatest memories and lessons learned are those which I have shared with him. He sent me off to college over a year ago with this advice, --
"Remember the simple things, don't stress because 86% of things we worry about never happen, and last but not least, smile...it makes everything fall into place."

I thank you for my anxiousness
I thank you for my small bone structure
I thank you for my ability to read people
and to speak my mind
I thank you for my health
I thank you for my steadfastness
and desire to learn
I am grateful for my nose
my big ears
my Flintstones tones
and yes, my buck teeth
I am thankful for you
and all you are
This is beautiful coco. xoxo Suz